Find them on Instagram @Inucollective
What started your wellness journey?
Cassandra (Cas)
I have always been active, I loved sport and always had an interest in my own health, however as I have reached my 40’s and beyond I have started to think about wellness more holistically - being well, as opposed to fit or active. Having children and aging parents, I have revisited what being well means as I age. Longevity is important, but not age as a number, my ability to be active, agile, strong and present in the lives of those I care about for as long as I can, and without bringing a burden.There is so much science, there is so much I have learned and are learning that my journey to wellness is something that I embrace and accept is always changing.
Karen (Kaz)
I have always been drawn to a path of wellness as a way of optimising my health and well-being. I remember attending a meditation workshop where we were asked what motivated us to attend and I was the only one in the room who had shown up without a medical condition or illness, I was simply there to learn the benefits of the practice. Along the journey I have been inspired to dig a little deeper and even study more formally in the areas of nutrition, energetic healing, bush flower essences and aromatherapy.
Best wellness tip?
Cassandra (Cas)
Listen to your body, it sounds cliche, but in the last few years I have been overwhelmed by the changes I have been able to make by slowing down, pushing less and and trying to feel into my body.
Karen (Kaz)
Approach wellness holistically. We are multi-dimensional beings affected by every thought, experience and relationship in our lives. Understanding that true health and healing occurs physically, emotionally and spiritually helps us to consciously create an optimum state of wellness. And be sure to get enough sleep!
Words of wisdom?
Cassandra (Cas)
You do you - as my teenage children will tell me. Self belief is so important and is so easy to lose sight of. If you are passionate about something give yourself to it 100% - your authentic self not impacted by opinions other might have. Trust, self belief and a large dose of fake it until you make it.
Karen (Kaz)
Trust your intuition and follow your joy.
How do you centre yourself?
Cassandra (Cas)
Every morning I walk, some days I am inspired to listen to a podcast others with the sounds of the day - it is time to think, reflect, plan and prepare for the day. I am committed to my daily journal, 3 pages inspired by the “The Artists Way - Morning pages” over my first coffee helps to quiet the mind.
Karen (Kaz)
I swim in the ocean and walk most days. Being in nature is where I feel most centred and grounded. I have a practice in the mornings where I consciously tune in to my energy to set the tone for the day. It helps me to gain perspective and allows me to move out of my head and in to my heart. It’s a combination of breath work, visualisation, connecting with spirit and intention setting. I’ll often use botanical essences, meditation and tapping to support my practice.